Women, Dating & Sex: 9 Books Every Man Needs To Read

Whether you want pick up advice or the 'geographical Kama Sutra', you'll find it here.

Women, Dating & Sex: 9 Books Every Man Needs To Read

You swipe left, she swipes right. You order an espresso, she orders a milky flat white. You’re in love, she wants a guy with a bigger pike. 

Women are complex creatures. It takes time and training to master the art of talking to, living with and (shock, horror) getting married to women. And at a time when it’s more tempting than ever to Netflix yourself to sleep than it is to get out there and make a fool of yourself in a bar, it’s important to keep your skills sharp.

So: do your research, get out in the field, and master the art. With these nine tried and tested books for helping you get good at approaching, talking to, flirting with and making love to women, your excuses are now as dry as our unimpressed eyes when you tell us, “But it’s hard.”