The Team

DMARGE has been operating since 2011. Our high-quality and well-researched content is produced by our in-house team below.

Luc Wiesman
Publisher & Founder
LinkedIn | X

Kate Perrett
Head of Operations

Alex Mundy
Senior Sales Manager
LinkedIn | [email protected]

Finlay Mead
Editor, Travel & Wellness Features Writer
Linkedin | X | [email protected]

Ben Esden
Sports & Entertainment Writer
Linkedin | X | [email protected]

Romer Macapuno
Social Media & Content Editor
Linkedin | [email protected]

Shane Acadera
Sports Writer

Matthew Del Mundo
Production Assistant

Awards & Accolades

2021 Winner Mumbrella Publishing Company of the Year

2021 Winner Mumbrella Branded Content Studio of the Year

2021 ‘Highly Commended’ Mumbrella Publisher-Led Campaign of the Year

2017 ‘Highly Commended’ Mumbrella Best Launch/Relaunch of the Year