Emily Ratajkowski ‘Clearly Hooking Up’ With Pete Davidson, Source Says

Brooklyn baes?

Emily Ratajkowski ‘Clearly Hooking Up’ With Pete Davidson, Source Says

Hold onto your eccentric hat and squeeze the frilly neck of your ruff: SNL court jester Pete Davidson and American model Em Rata are rumoured to be dating.

Emily Ratajkowski and Pete Davidson are allegedly dating. The news, which comes from the ever-prescient Instagram celebrity gossip account @deuxmoi, is that the two have allegedly been on a very affectionate date in New York City.

WATCH: Emily Ratajkowski dating Pete Davidson: rumour explained

The tip-off came from a source who claimed (in all caps): “EM RATA AND PETE DAVIDSON ON A DATE IN BROOKLYN TOGETHER. HOLDING HANDS AND ALLLLL.”

The source then added: “His hands were all over her and they’re clearly clearly hooking up.”

Image: @deuxmoi

“Pete Davidson has bagged yet another 10 and another milf I don’t know what’s going on; he has a show to work on, she is busy…” read the announcer of the ‘news’ on @deuxmoi’s Instagram account.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised. Ratajkowski has talked about Davidson before. In 2021, while on Late Night with Seth Meyers, in answer to why so many women find him attractive, she said: “He’s got the height. Obviously, women find him very attractive… he seems super charming. He’s vulnerable. He’s lovely. His fingernail polish is awesome. He looks good! He’s great! Good relationship with his mother. We love it.”

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Ratajkowski recently broke up with her ex-husband Sebastian Bear-McClard. Speaking of this time in her life, she told Harper’s Bazaar, “I can tell you that I have never been single before. I feel all the emotions. I feel anger, sadness. I feel excitement. I feel joy. I feel levity. Every day is different. The only good thing I know is that I’m feeling all those things, which is nice because it makes me believe that I’ll be okay.”

Ratajkowski shared more thoughts about the kind of dates she wanted in her life on her podcast, saying: “There are babies, there are monsters, and then there are baby monsters.” She added: “The babies are the men who need to be tended to and reassured at every turn. The monsters who are like, ‘Sorry that your mom died, but want to come over?’ And then the third are the worst… and those are the men that I can’t handle. They need reassurance, they need to be cradled and suckle at the teat. But then they’re also like, ‘Leave me alone though, woman.’”

RELATED: Emily Ratajkowski Reveals The Woeful State Of Men’s Pick Up Game

I guess it’s safe to assume Pete Davidson is none of those men… However, for those prone to jumping the gun on rumours, paragon of wisdom and austerity Cosmopolitan urges us all to take a deep breath before assuming they are a ~thing~, pointing out that “neither Pete nor EmRata appear to have confirmed these rumors” and “‘sources’ have yet to speak to any outlets [other than @deuxmoi] to confirm these rumors.”

We’re sure that won’t stop the Internet from going into overdrive, however…

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